Article published in Urologia Polska 1999/52/3.
Mieczysław Fryczkowski, Jacek Huk, Andrzej Potyka, Zbigniew Kaleta
- II Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦AM w Zabrzu
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. M. Fryczkowski
laparoscopy retroperitoneoscopy urology
- Objective. The aim of this paper is retrospective cvaluation of the results
- and complications after videoscopic operations in patients with urological
- diseases.
- Materials and methods. The analyses have been performed in 255 patients
- in age range from 4 to 71 years. There were 232 transperitoneal and 23
- retroperitoneal operations among them.
- Results. The good surgical results were observed in 95.7% patients.
- Complications were noted in 17 (6.7%) and postoperative mortality in 0%.
- Conversion to the open operations was performed in 4 (1.6%) patients.
- Average time of the both types of the operations was 63 min (24-185), and
- mean hospitalization time was 3.0 days (2-16). The follow-up was performed
- in mean 16.5 months (3-33) after these operations.
- Conclusions. Videoscopie operations are less invasive, cause less serious
- complications, short hospitalization time and recovcry to active professional
- life if compared with clinical open surgeries.
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