Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/4.
Eugeniusz Mięko¶, Henryk Lesiewicz, Józef Howaniec, Zbigniew Trzepizur, Zbigniew Jabłonowski, Czesław Pawlak, Waldemar Różański, Cezary Zydek
- Klinika Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii WAM w Łodzi
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. E. Mięko¶
laparoscopy urological operations complications
- Aim of study. Presentation of types of intra- and postoperative complica-
- tions after 252 urological laparoscopic procedures.
- Material and methods. Between September 1993 and February 1998, 252
- videoscopic surgical procedures were performed at the Department of Urolo-
- gy and Department of Surgery Military Medical Academy in ŁódĽ. The most
- numerous group was constituted by 131 patients with varicocele. Among them,
- 2 patients underwent bilateral operation and in 5 intraperitoneal hernioplasty
- was performed at the same time. Urine incontinence on exertion in women was
- treated via preperitoneal access ? colpourethrosuspension was done in 87 pa-
- tients. Nephropexia was performed in 2 women. Videoscopic nephrectomy
- was done in 8 patients including 3 cases operated via preperitoneal access. In 17
- cases renal cysts were excised, in 10 patients via extraperitoneal access, and in
- 7 cases transperitoneally. In one patient operated transperitoneally a hepatic
- cyst was excised at the same time. Right extraperitoneal adrenalectomy was
- performed in 2 patients. Abdominal cryptorchism was operated in 4 patients,
- and in 1 case a testis prosthesis was implanted at the same time. In 1 patient
- pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed.
- Results. Intra- and postoperative complications occurred in 19 patients. In
- 6 cases they gave rise to conversy The most important intraoperative com-
- plications included damage to the bladder wall during colpouretherosuspen-
- sion in 3 patients, damage to the peritoneum in 2 patients and damage to the
- urethra in 1 women. These complications occurred during the same type of
- procedure but in different patients. They required open operation, apart from
- damage to the urethra, which was treated by longer catheterisation of the
- urinary bladder. In .one patient technical difficulties in access to the cyst of
- the upper end of the kidney re±uired lumbotomy.
- During postoperative period in 4 cases transient pneumoscrotum was seen
- and in 4 cases transient hydrocele on the side of the operated varicocele was
- present. In 3 patients treated for varicocele temporary pain in the shoulder
- occurred. In 1 woman several weeks post colpouretherosuspension a foreign
- body in the urinary bladder was found; it appeared to be a clip which was
- removed by cystoscopy.
- Conclusions. Urological laparoscopic operations are safe, minimal invasi-
- ve and connected with smali number of intra- and early postoperative
- complications.
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