Article published in Urologia Polska 1998/51/2.
Krzysztof Bar
- I Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦l±skiej AM w Katowicach
Kierownik: dr hab. n. med. A. Preisner
urinary bladder neoplasm treatment Nd:YAG laser
- Objective. Results of treatment urinary bladder neoplasms (UBN) by
- transurethral resection and neodymium YAG laser.
- Material and method. Using endoscopic procedures we treated 142
- patients with urinary bladder neoplasm. The age range of the patients was
- from 17 to 83 years (mean age 60 ? 12 years). In the analized group there
- were 107 men and 35 women; the group was divided into three subgroups:
- first ? 72 patients treated by transurethral tumor resection (TURT), second
- ? 44 patients treated by combined TURT + FTL (photoradiation laser),
- and the third ? 26 patients treated by FTL monotherapy. Observation time
- ranged from 6 to 80 months.
- Results. The incidance of UBN recurrence was significantly higher in the
- FTL subgroup when compared to the TURT and TURT + FTL subgroups. The
- highest recurrence rate (rr) UBN was observed in the subgroup treated by
- FTL monotherapy, and the lowest in the TURT + FTL subgroup. In the FTL
- subgroup the incidence of both recurrent tumours and the UBN recurrence
- was significantly higher than in the remaining subgroup.
- Conclusion. 1. The best results of UBN treatment were achieved in
- combined endoscopic procedure TURT + FTL. 2. The orthotopic tumor
- recurrence is not related to the type of endoscopic procedure. 3. The lowest
- percentage of heterotopic tumor recurrence was found in patients treated by
- TURT + FTL. The fre±uency of tumor recurrence depends on the character of
- UBN (especially polychronotopic) rather than on the type of endoscopic
- procedure used.
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