Andrzej Antczak, Zbigniew Kwias, Witold WoĽniak 1, Krzysztof Słowiński 2, Jerzy Stefanowski 3
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii Akademii Medycznej
im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. Zbigniew Kwias
2 Klinika Chirurgii Urazowej Akademii Medycznej
im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof Słowiński
3 Instytut Informatyki Politechniki Poznańskiej
Kierownik Instytutu: prof. dr hab. Roman Słowiński
urinary tract urolithiasis ESWL rough set theroy
- Objective. The aim of this study was summarize our own experiences based
- on the use of Rough set theory to analyse an urolithiasis treatment using ESWL
- method.
- Material and method. We created the data base based on 500 randomly
- choosed patients. The information system based on 26 preoperative attributes
- coming from history of disease, laboratory, X-ray and ultrasound investigations
- and 2 classifications which estimated the postoperative patients status and
- treatment effect was created. The dependences beetwen attributes and the
- results of treatment were settled down employing the microcomputerized
- system of data analysis - Rough DAS. According to that the collection of decision
- rules was created. The decision rules which we settled down have got a practical
- value for initial ±ualification and expectation effect after ESWL procedure.
- Conclusions. The decision rules which represent our experience up to now
- could determine the principle on which the Computerized decision support
- system could be used in the treatment of new patients with urolithiasis.
- [1] Kwias, Z. i inni: Clinical experiences in treatment of urinary tracfs stones
- using Dornier MPL 9000 lithotriptor. Nowiny Lekarskie, 2, str. 15-24.
- [2] Pawlak, Z.: Rough Sets. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Data. Kluwer
- Academic Publishers. Dordrecht, 1991.
- [3] Słowiński, K., Stefanowski, J., Antczak, A., Kwias, Z.: Rough set appro-
- ach to the verifications of indications for treatment of urinary stones by ESWL.
- Soft Computing 1995 Simulation Councils, Inc, str. 93-95.
- [4] Stefanowski, ]., Słowiński, K., Antczak, A., Kwias, Z.: Verification of
- conclusions from the Rough Set analysis of the experience with ESWL for treat-
- ment of urinary stones. Warsaw University of Technology, Resaerch Report,
- 45/95.
- [5] Stefanowski, J., Słowiński, K.: Rough sets as a tool for studying attribute
- dependencies in the urinary stones treatment data set. Warsaw University of
- Technology Research Report 14/96