Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/2.
Tomasz Stachowski 1, P. Skrzywanek 2, Zbigniew Kwias 1, Andrzej Karwowski 2
- 1 Katedra I Klinika Urologii AM Poznań
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. Z. Kwias
2 Zaktad Radiologii Ogólnej Instytutu Radiologii AM Poznań
Kierownik: prof. dr hab. A. Karwowski
spermatic cord ? varicocoele ? phlebography ? obliteration
- Objective. From a lot of different methods of varicocele treatment recently the most
- popular is laparoscopic ligation of left spermatic vein. Percutaneus embolization of
- varicocele is still performed succssesfully in the world.
- Material and method. From October 1993 to May 1996 54 patients were treated by
- Percutaneous obliteration of spermatic vein. Technical efficacy was find at group of 47
- patients and was confirmed by left spermatic vein flebography, 3 patients requaired
- obliteration again. Time of staying in the hospital was 1 day.
- Results. We did not observe side effects of treatment. Follow-up examination was
- performed 6 and 12 months after and cofirmed efficacy of treatment.
- Conclusions. In our opinion Percutaneous obliteration of left spermatic vein is effective
- and safe method of varicocele treatment.
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