Paweł Szymanowski, Zbigniew Kwias, Witold WoĽniak, Wiesław Sokołowski
- Katedra i Klinika Urologii AM im. K. Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu
Kierownik Katedry i Kliniki: prof dr hab. Zbigniew Kwias
Oddział Urologiczny Zespołu Opieki Zdrowotnej MSWiA w Poznaniu
Ordynator Oddziału: dr med. Wiesław Sokołowski
kidney neoplasms oncocytoma diagnosis
- Objective. Renal cell carcinoma is the most fre±uent kidney tumor. However one can
- find the incrising number of eosinophilic cell neoplasms (oxyphil adenoma) - oncocytoma.
- Estimation of findings depicting kidney tumors and difficulties in early diagnosis were
- presented.
- Material and method. In Urology Clinic in Poznań during last 14 years (1982-
- 1995) 832 patients were operated due to renal tumors. In 12 (1.4%) oncocytomas were
- found after patomorphological examination. Clinical symptoms, sise and localization of
- the tumors in kidney and occurence according to the sex and age were described.
- Comparison of the own and other results were carried out.
- Conclusion. The best treatment in smali renal tumors should be a tumorectomy, but
- diagnostic difficulties before surgical intervention are the reason why a radical
- nephrectomy is prefered
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