Article published in Urologia Polska 1997/50/1.
Marek Sosnowski 1, Krzysztof Kula 2
- 1 Klinika Urologii Instytutu Chirurgii AM w Łodzi
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. Leszek Jeromin
2 Pracownia Andrologii Klinicznej Instytutu Endokrynologii AM w Łodzi
Kierownik Pracowni Andrologii Klinicznej: prof. dr hab. med. K. Kula
testis ? tumours ? carcinoma in situ
- Objective. Fre±uency of the carcinoma in situ of the contralateral testis in patients
- with testicular germinae cancer.
- Patients and method. Surgical biopsies of the contralateral testis were performed in
- 15 men with unilateral testicular germinal cancer. In 12 cases testicular cancer was in
- the Ist, and in 3 cases in the IInd clinical stage. Tissues were Bouin's fixed. In the paraffm
- histological slides, a placental like alkaline phosphatase was immuno-histochemically
- detecte, the enzyme that when is present within germinal cells of adult men, testicular
- carcinoma in situ is diagnosed.
- Results. CIS was found in 2 cases (13,3% of the whole examined patients): 1.
- 26 years old T.F. ? 3 years after hemicastration (TGC in the Ist stage); 2. 25
- years old J.P. ? at the time of hemicastration (TGC in the IInd stage). In both
- cases azoospermia was diagnosed before treatment. A repeated testicular biopses showed
- disappearance of CIS after the following treatments: 1. T. R: radiotherapy, biopsy after
- 18th months ofthe completion, azoospermia; 2. J. R: Chemiotherapy, biopsy after 2 years
- of the completion, followed by the appearance of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. These
- introductory results suggest, that the fre±uency of the occurrence of CIS in the
- contralateral testis of men with unilateral TGC, is high, and that the results of the
- treatments of CIS are satisfactory.
- Conclusion. The performence of testicular biopsy of contralateral testis, proper
- histological diagnosis and treatment of CIS are highly indicated in TGC patients.
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