The result of treatment of 109 childern with nephroblastoma
after pre-operative chemotherapy.
Article published in Urologia Polska 1996/49/2.
Krystyna Sawicz-Birkowska, Jerzy Czernik
- z Katedry i Kliniki Chirurgii Pediatrycznej AM we Wrocławiu.
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Czernik.
kidney nephroblastoma in childern Chemiotherapy results of treatment.
- The authors present the results of treatment of 109 children with nephroblastoma
- treated according the schedules of SIOP Nephroblastoma Committee No 6 andNo 9.
- In the 51 patients treated according schedules of SIOP No 6 3 years DFS for whole
- group was 74% in 58 patients treated according to SIOP No 9 (schedule with 4-wceks
- preopcrative chemotherapy) 3 years DFS for whole group was 83%. The advantagcs of
- a prcopcrative treatment in tenns of surgical tumor rupture and stage distributions has
- been proven.
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