Andrzej Paradysz 1, Marcin Życzkowski 1, Adam Ziółkowski 2, Andrzej Kupilas 1, Mieczysław Fryczkowski 1
- 1 Katedra i Klinika Urologii w Zabrzu ¦l±skiej Akademii Medycznej w Katowicach
Kierownik kliniki: prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Fryczkowski
2 Katedra i Zakład Patomorfologii Wydziału Lekarskiego w Zabrzu ¦l±skiej Akademii Medycznej w Katowicach
Kierownik zakładu: dr hab. prof. ¦AM Andrzej Gabriel
prostate, neurovascular bundle, neurosarcoma
- Introduction.
- Malignant tumors of the peripheral nerves, especially in retrovesical location related to neurovascular bundle of the prostate are very rare. Treatment is difficult, and prognosis uncertain. Recurrences after non-radical operations are quite often.
- The aim of the study.
- Very rare tumor in retrovesical location is described. Diagnostic difficulties and results of surgical treatment and adjuvant radiotherapy are presented.
- Material and method.
- History of the patient with huge tumor of prostate area is presented. Patient underwent surgical treatment through transvesical approach and adjuvant radiotherapy. Nowadays, 4 years after the treatment, results of every follow-up examination are normal. Patient has no complaint, no problems with urine continence and erection.
- Conclusions.
- This case is presented because of rareness of occurrence, obtained 4-years survival and excellent quality of life after therapy.
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Andrzej Paradysz
Katedra i Klinika Urologii ¦AM
ul. 3 Maja 13/15
41-800 Zabrze
tel. (032) 271 65 11