Ryszard Szlefarski, Mieczysław Fryczkowski
- Klinika Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej Instytutu Chirurgii w Zabrzu
Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr hab. Cz. Sadliński
Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. K. Czyżewski
- Two rare cases of renal artery aneurysm with arterial hypertension are reported. In both cases there were only scant clinical abnormalities and laboratory investigations revealed no changes.
- Glass P.: Aneurisms of the renal artery: a study of 20 cases. J. Urol., 1967, 98, 285.
- Hale R.: Intrarenal aneurysm treated by partial nephrectomy J. Urol. 1964, 91, 137.
- Hogbin B.: Spontaneous rupture of an aneurism of The renal artery with surviwal. J. Urol., 1968, 41, 218.
- Poutasse E.: Renal artery aneurisms their natural history ,and surgery. J. Urol., 1966, 95, 297.
- Rhodes J.: Renal arterya aneurysm J. Urol., 1971, 105, 155.
- Rosenblum W.: Isolated dis-secting aneurysm of renal artery. J. Urol., 1966, 95, 135.
- Smith J.: Intrarenal arterial aneurisms. J. Urol., 1967, 97, 990.