PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1984/37/2.


Adam Kwinta
Z Katedry i Kliniki Urologii AM w Krakowie
Kierownik: prof. zw. dr med. J. Leńko Z Pracowni Immunologii Transplantologicznej III Kliniki Chirurgii Ogólnej AM
w Krakowie
Kierownik Pracowni: prof. dr hab. G. Turowski Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. med. M. Politowski


The metabolic activity of neutrophil granulocytes in peripheral blood was stu-died in 44 patients with renal carcinoma. The test of spontaneous reduction of te­trazolium nitroblue and stimulated reduction of NBT was used. Although the in-terpretation of the results of this test in malignant disease is difficult the obtained observations, particularly absent response of granulocytes to LPS stimulation made possible a more broad determination of the function of the leucocyte system in cases of renal carcinoma. It is necessary also to study the metabolic activity of granulocytes independently of the investigations of the function and composition of the subpopulations of peripheral blood lymphocytes. The reported investigations showed that the NBT test may not only reflect the presence of infection but also the reąuirements of the organism far cell phagocytosis lin the process of tumour breakdown ar regeneration.


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