PTU - Polskie Towarzystwo Urologiczne
list of articles:

Article published in Urologia Polska 1984/37/1.


Jarowit Stolarczyk, Jerzy Lorenz, Janusz Dembowski
Z Katedry i Kliniki Urologii Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu Kierownik Kliniki: doc. dr hab. med. J. Stolarczyk


Radical nephrectomy results were analysed in 110 cases of renal carcinoma. The operation was connected with lymphadenectomy. All patients survived the ope­ration and postoperative period. In 4 cases intraoperative complications were ob-served with injury to the spleen, liver or persistent cardinal vein. No serious post-operative complications were observed. Radical nephrectomy is regarded as a use-ful procedure in malignant renal neoplasms.


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